aximcom travel router
aximcom travel router

拿到AXIMComMR-102N已經有好長一段時間,由於使用設定都很方便,最近終於整理出一篇文章來分享。目.,Thedeviceisamobile150MbitwirelessNrouterwith1700mAhLi-ionrechargeablebattery.Note:Thoughthisdeviceismarketedasa“3G/4GTravelMobile ...,2010年8月18日—TheM...

SG :: Aximcom X

TheX-116Nisamobilewirelessrouter,providingdownstreamspeedsofupto99Mbps.IthasoneUSB2.0portintendedforconnectionof ...

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AXIMCom (國晟科技) MR

拿到AXIMCom MR-102N 已經有好長一段時間,由於使用設定都很方便,最近終於整理出一篇文章來分享。目.


The device is a mobile 150Mbit wireless N router with 1700mAh Li-ion rechargeable battery. Note: Though this device is marketed as a “3G/4G Travel Mobile ...

AximCom MR

2010年8月18日 — The MR-102N is a portable 802.11n-capable router with connections for 3G USB modems or tethering-ready smartphones and 10/100 Ethernet. It's ...


2010年8月30日 — 但如果像我是用cable modem,因為有4個浮動IP,所以我沒裝Router,只有裝HUB,把網路線連接我的HUB和MR102N,則MR102N無法自動取得IP連上網路。


SG :: Aximcom MR-216NV Travel Router. » ··· MR-216NV ... Best router with Bigpond Ultimate USB - Wireless - Telstra ... »www.ithome ...

AXIMCom Travel Router, 電腦&科技, 電腦周邊及配件 ...

喺Hong Kong,Hong Kong 買AXIMCom Travel Router. - Model no. MR-120N - 連一塊電池弓及火牛- 無盒喺Wifi及上網相關產品度買嘢,傾偈買嘢!

SG :: Aximcom X

The X-101N is a mobile wireless router, providing mobile broadband speeds of up to 42Mbps. It has one USB 2.0 port intended for connection ...

SG :: Aximcom X

The X-116N is a mobile wireless router, providing downstream speeds of up to 99Mbps. It has one USB 2.0 port intended for connection of ...

Techdata: AXIMCom MR

2023年5月2日 — Device Type: Travel Router - Battery powered; Brand: AXIMCom; Model: MR-102N; Availability: Discontinued; Supported Since Commit: ...


拿到AXIMComMR-102N已經有好長一段時間,由於使用設定都很方便,最近終於整理出一篇文章來分享。目.,Thedeviceisamobile150MbitwirelessNrouterwith1700mAhLi-ionrechargeablebattery.Note:Thoughthisdeviceismarketedasa“3G/4GTravelMobile ...,2010年8月18日—TheMR-102Nisaportable802.11n-capablerouterwithconnectionsfor3GUSBmodemsortethering-readysmartphonesand10/100Ethernet.It's ...,2010年8月30日—但如果像我是用...